Boys & Girls Grades 1st - 5th
8 game season
All Games played Saturday & Sunday!
Game times & locations subject to change depending on enrollment
SPECIAL PRICE; ONLY $199 (8 Games)
3rd Graders have the option to play up on 10 foot hoops, just add into the comments section of the registration form
Saturdays October 5, 12, 19 , 26
@ Shooting Lab 722 E Ridgewood Ave Ridgewood NJ
10:30 am 1st Grade/2nd Grade/3rd Grade ( 8 foot hoops )
11:20 am 4th Grade - 5th Grade
Sundays October 6, 13, 20 , 27
@ Shooting Lab 722 E Ridgewood Ave Ridgewood NJ
12:10 pm 1st Grade/2nd Grade/3rd Grade ( 8 foot hoops )
1:00 pm 4th Grade - 5th Grade
www.jrnba.com is a great resource for youth basketball players, coaches and families. Informative articles, video clips and other materials are made available online for all.

Be part of the Jr. NBA in Bergen County. The Jr. NBA aims to develop a lifelong passion for the game of basketball in Boys and Girls grades 1st - 7th by teaching them the fundamentals of the sport while instilling core values including teamwork, respect and sportsmanship.
All games from grades 1st - 3rd will be played on 8.5 foot baskets.
Grades 4th - 7th will play on 10 foot baskets.
Register as an individual and you will be placed on a team or form your own team.
Reversible Jerseys
8 game season
Gyms will be located in Ridgewood
Equal Playing Time
Email us If you are interested in becoming a coach